
fall festivities

on thursday, my dear friends,
along with their boys ryan and zach
came over to celebrate fall with joey and me. 

i made potato broccoli & cheese soup

while jo made grilled cheese for the bunch

our pumpkins had herpes.

the artist

After we carved pumpkins, we watched a movie that Stacy and I had LOVED as young'ns.
we soon realized we were really weird kids. 
*note to self, don't watch favorite childhood movies. you'll be sorely disappointed. 

thanks guys, we had so much fun!!


guess who's 23?!

no, it is not me, thanks for asking, 
but this day belongs to 

the sweetest, 
most incredible husband anyone could ask for.

and he's alllllllll mine :)

so, happy birthday sweetie!!! 
i wish you were home from work already so i could take you to dinner.
and maybe to a movie. 
and love you!

and now, a photo tribute of the aforementioned best husband:

isn't he handsome?

totally melts my heart

so domestic

the nieces and nephews love their uncle joey

love you so much sweetie!

now hurry your little fanny home for some celebrating!!

***top four pictures claire white photography***


we are sicky :(

the parker's are down.

today marks the third day joseph and i have been
sick and miserable. 
(tack on an additional day for me)

we actually were able to go out last night with a lovely senior couple from his mission last night, but man are we paying for it today. 

i don't do well with illness. 
last year's swine flew epidemic laid me out for weeks, and nearly cost me my job,
not to mention i had to withdraw from school at the U.

granted, this illness has not been the reason for my lack of posting in the last month,
i would like to take this time to apologize once again for my lack of posts. 

so, while we continue our long weekend of woe, i hope you are enjoying the crisp fall air that i briefly experienced on my airbourne/oj/thermometer run this morning/afternoon. 

and i will post a much-less glum blog next week about the fun we had been having before being hit by the plague.

much love.